22 July 2023 Back

The Times They Are A-changin'

Growth Early StagesIntroducing New Team

Who would have thought Bob Dylan would release an album the same year I was born, with a title that remains so relevant to things in the tech sector today. And, no I'm talking about AI potentially spinning out of control and…. ChatGPT has played no part in this blog post.

The reality is that the tech sector, or rather the available readies for investment and M&A activity, have swung a long way since the halcyon days of just a few short years ago. Back in those days you could rock up to a potential investor with your creased t-shirt emblazoned with your newly minted logo and ripped jeans claiming that your company was worth a fortune, and by the way would you like to invest BIG bucks for 0.0000001% of my business?

Equally founders looking to sell their business historically overestimate its value based just on the number of years of blood, sweat and tears they had put into it. It’s easy to be too close to the woods.

Times have changed. The $$ are still there but you now have to put just a tiny bit more effort in!!!

So, rather than sit side stage, watching the show, we've been getting ready to bring a new act to the market. One that will provide real guidance (based on real experience) on raising that capital or knowing how to maximise your exit. So get ready as we are about to introduce a new player...coming soon. Can't wait to share the news as we grow the Sway Family.

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